
If you have a question or need additional support you can submit an issue through our bug and issue tracking software Sifter.

Log in:

If you don’t have a Sifter account please contact Oliver McGinnis at

To begin, Log In to Sifter. By default you will be directed to the Projects tab.

The Projects tab lists all the properties your user account is associated with.

You should see at least one property listed depending on how many properties your user account is associated with.

If you don’t see any properties listed or don’t see the property you’re looking for please contact Oliver McGinnis at

Create a New Issue

To create a new issue click the green + button.

Once on the New Issue page:

  1. Include a descriptive Subject.
  2. Include all relevant details of your issue in the Description. Please attach any relevant documents or screenshots via drag/drop or clicking the browse and select files… link.
  3. Assign a Priority. Normal should be sufficient for most issues. Please only use High or Critical for urgent or time-sensitive issues.
  4. Set the Assignee to Oliver McGinnis.
  5. Click the Create Issue button.
  6. You’re done!

View All Issues

You can view all previously submitted issues at any time by clicking on the Issues tab followed by clicking onĀ Everyone’s.

This will present you with a list of all issues that have a status of Open or Resolved (but not Closed).

Sort / Filter Issues

You can sort and filter the list of issues by selecting options from the right sidebar.

Sort and Filter Issues

Update an Issue

If you need to provide an update to an existing issue or simply want to see the issue details you can do that by clicking on the issue from the Issues list.

From the Issue page you will see the issue history and can provide additional details, change the status of the issue, and follow or un-follow the issue.